Our College Succeed in Holding the First Issue of Chinese Corner-江苏农林职业技术学院

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Our College Succeed in Holding the First Issue of Chinese Corner

2015年09月30日 00:00 阅读次数:
On the September 17th, our college held the first issue of Chinese Conner in library lounge successfully. Ms. Wang Jin, the vice director of International Exchanges and Cooperation Center, the related teachers from Humanities and Arts Department, our college oversea friends, which including volunteers from Lattitude Projects, international students all attended this activity.
The aim of setting up Chinese Corner, is to offer students better opportunity to learn Chinese, enhance their understanding of Chinese culture, and experience the magic and mystery of Chinese. Besides that, it is also a chance for our Chinese students to show our hospitality and sincerity to the oversea friends. Our local college students can not only promote their own views on Chinese culture, but also acquire knowledge, friendship and fun during their Chinese teaching.


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